Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sheri and I went to see Thumbsucker yesterday. Kind of a cute weird little movie. I had zero expectations for it - other than expecting it to be kind of stupid, because, c'mon, thumbsucking? At the age of 17? and went to see it solely for the eye candy (Vincent D'Onofrio, Vince Vaughn, Keanu Reeves and Benjamin Bratt).

WARNING. SPOILERS AHEAD. Is anyone but us going to see this? Anyway.

Benjamin Bratt completely played against his L&O type - he played a drug rehabbed cop show actor, with a lot of zest. It looked like he had a blast with the part. Keanu Reeves mocked his own "hippie psycho babble" persona (seriously, who has a fawn as his power animal? No, not Keanu.) VDO and VV brought nice characterizations to otherwise standard roles. All in all, the movie wasn't half bad. But I'd go for the eye candy and be pleasantly surprised the content. The lower the expectations, the easier the movie is to take.

On the knitting front, I've pulled out my Never Going to Finish Cable sweater from the Winter 2000 Sandra magazine and I vow to finish it This. Year. With the help of the Fall Cable KAL. (Whose button I need to to add).

I'm still making the Lion rucksack, but I've given up the idea of giving it as a baby present because Luke is going to be 12 by the time I'm done! So instead he's getting cute little truck slippers (because there must be knitting content)(well, maybe it's not a truck, per se, and something else.

This desperately needs pictures. Must. Stop. Stalling. On. Camera. Thank heaven for camera phones.

Serenity comes out on Friday!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Last Time I Use My Camera Phone.

Stupid now-deleted-post had a whole little advertising spiel going on! They'll probably charge me for it too. I really need to learn to download (upload?) my pictures from my lovely new digital camera I got for my birthday - a month ago. More than a month. Hey, my parents still haven't hooked up the DVD player I got them last Christmas, so evidently it runs in the family.

That lovely picture is of my digital camera in it's beautiful little knitted (and felted)on the fly camera case. The initial came from a cross stitch alphabet book and I have the whole genesis of it - stored securely in my digital camera.

The sewing machine is out, I decided to use up my stash of fabric. First up is a nice new Victorian style nightgown out of what turns out to be an impossible to match pink/black/yellow plaid. (Yeah, I have pictures. In my camera.) I thought I had plenty of yardage - I buy enough. Well, no, evidently not. I thought a nice floral would look good. Probably it would have, if I could have found one. Finally me, a salesgirl and a couple of fellow customers settled on another pink plaid as the best bet. It's not like it really matters. My main fashion concern has always been whether or not it scratches. (and I love to knit w/wool. Go figure.)

Whoops, 8 o'clock. Sunday night! Ciao! Season premiere of Cold Case, Law & Order Criminal Intent (except with stupid Nicole - can this woman not die? Why is she Goren's longest relationship? Argh) and Crossing Jordan.