Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Playhouses and Christmas

Sheri's Christmas Theme Chandelier (notice the pink? Gorgeous)

Rachel's Yummy Birthday Brownies (she made for her Mom)


Complete with armchairs and a puppy! You can't see the bears playing checkers at the kitchen table by the door though. Oh. Maybe they're not playing checkers. Some board game. Aren't they cute? I still pine for the castle they had one year.

Firehouse Playhouse:

Interior Shot:

And the obligatory cat photo, Hezekiah deciding whether or not she should jump in my lap. There's ice all over the roofs and some of the frontyards (which is our definition of a snowstorm) so it's pretty much a slam dunk. But you gotta think about these things, ya know?


Blogger Jennifer said...

Those playhouses are awesome!

3:03 PM  

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