Sunday, July 10, 2005

Miss Dashwood, I presume?

All the dpn's bristling from that tiny, tiny bonnet? I had no stitch markers with me but I did have about 8 dpn's for some weird reason. Granted, my purse has always resembled Mary Poppin's bag (you need a lamp? Here! Scissors? Of course. Bandaids? Naturally. And doesn't everyone carry a little sewing kit?)

The only real problem I had with this pattern was that I was knitting it fairly tightly and knitting 4 stitches tog, or 3 through tbl was impossible until I finally figured out I needed to switch to a needle two sizes smaller.

Darn! No completed bonnet albeit sans earmuffs and ties. I must have run out of room in my phone. And doesn't that sound weird? I couldn't imagine why anyone would carry a phone (a 24/7 tether is what it sounded like to me) and now I can't imagine life without it.


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