Saturday, August 19, 2006

Saturday at Last

Happy Birthday, Diane!

It's a DeVille! (Click on it to make the pic bigger) I didn't check to see if it had Dalmation seat covers, darn it. I hope I'm not invading privacy or anything, it was just too clever not to snap. Does this count for Kat?

Summer Reading Program/Challenge:

Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet From A to Z by David Sacks (375 pages)(L). This was a great book. I highly recommend it for anyone. Everyone. It has linguistics (that "an" before the FO is an "n" acting as a euphonic buffer) trivia, rhymes, history, wit and truly bad puns: "we all know what happened when the cow tried to jump over the barbed-wire fence: udder disaster." Can you guess what letter that's under? (The book is arranged with each letter as a chapter.) T!

The English alphabet has only been 26 letters for less than a couple of hundred years. Shakespeare didn't have this many letters! It was a big fight. I realize language is fluid but it's a little disconcerting to see just how fluid. Sacks tells the background history of where the letters come from, (the British/Canadian "Zed" for "Z" is more in line with the ancient/medieval nomenclature), what the letters have looked like down the ages, (the right to left reading vs left to right flipped a lot of letters so that we use the mirror image), oh, just all sorts of cool stuff. Did you know that M from Ian Fleming's James Bond real name is Sir Miles Messervey? And that the letter M was more or less a pictograph of water? (He tells Q's real name too.)

Highly entertaining and educational. I bought a hardback copy for my library.

The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie (that Hugh Laurie) (339 pages) (L). Speaking of James Bond, this is Hugh Laurie's contribution to the genre. His hero, Tom Lang, sounds remarkably similar to a tough Wooster, but that could just be me. Tom manages quite a credible American accent at times, if he does say so himself. He also says "As ye sew, so shall ye knit" which, yes. Love. (Okay, once, but once is enough sometimes). It's a pretty good spy thriller, lots of self effacing Brit humor, derring do, covert action, a pretty freaky plot if you believe in conspiracy theories. (As in, timely. And it freaked me out to think of it).

This is Hezekiah's plan for the day:

Mine is to knit and sew and clean and FINISH SOMETHING! I'm dying to do Liz (not that way) now that I've seen all the lovely Liz's at Tudor Roses. Not to mention all the other Tudors. I'm only to the sleeve shaping on the first sleeve of Its Jacket. Think I can finish it today? Tomorow?

Oh, and check out the gorgeous knitting of The Rainey Sisters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review of the Alphabet book... I love letters and all the symbolism... If you are interested in another book in that genre, there is The Alphabet Abecedarium: Some Notes on Letters by Richard Firmage, very cool read.

I am All about cleaning this weekend, and trying to finish at least one thing, before I start the Katy (Katherine of Aragon to some)

11:32 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Language Visible sounds pretty cool. Have you read any of Bill Bryson's books about the English language? They're on my shelf, but not read.

Love that monster paw, H.

3:06 PM  
Blogger dianemulholland said...

I agree with Hezekiah! We were up until 2:30 last night - something I haven't done since university days *curls up to snore peacefully*

Thanks for you birthday wishes :-) and I like your blog!

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, a mystery recommendation! thank you! I am this weekend reading the oeuvre of Morag Joss.

I'll look into the language book too!

4:54 PM  
Blogger slowknitter said...

I reserved Language Visible at the library on your reccomendation (don't worry, if it doesn't work for me, I'll quietly return it to the library, won't hold you in any way responsible).

Somewhere I have an unfinished KTC project; maybe I'll dig it out for the clean-up month.

And I'm really uncertain about Lolita. I read Reading Lolita in Tehran and didn't rush out and pick up Lolita afterwards. I'm kind of intrigued with the comments that the language is rich, but realistically, the month is nearly over.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

Hezekiah has the right idea.

I took a History of the English language course in college. I loved it. I am always talking about that stuff with my students. I am sure they hate it.

6:28 PM  
Blogger RheLynn said...

Hez is just so FLUFFY! ;o) We have a vampiric kitten tonight - like somebody turned the 'bite everything' mode on HIGH and walked away. EEP!

8:05 PM  
Blogger Brigitte said...

I think I'm going to check out Language Visible, sounds like a great read.

Hezekiah has this cat thing down pretty much to a science... Heh, cute picture!

3:09 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Ok, Blogger just stinks. I just realized that I haven't been getting your updates. I guess blogger screwed up a whole bunch of feeds.

Thanks, belatedly, for recognizing PQL's birthday!

6:21 AM  
Blogger Obsidian Kitten said...

Cruella Deville--HAW!!

that Alphabet book sounds fantastic--i love stuff like that.

Hez is definitely my kind of girl...naps are on top of my list of "favorite things to plan into my day" lol

9:32 PM  

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