Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What the heck?

Okay, I guess I've hopped on the blogging thing...... I wanted to join Knitting The Classics because I've had Middlemarch on my TBR shelf, I'm always looking for an excuse to buy yarn and I have about 50 knitting blogs bookmarked right now that don't update often enough to suit me.

I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area, the East Bay, I'm over........let's say, 30 (waaaay over 30), under 50, but sadly by not a big as margin. I knit, I read, I have a 19 year old cat and now I need to figure out how to add pictures - pictures are half the reason for blogs...and I have no idea what I'm doing. I mean, now, in Bloggerland.


And, of course, my middle name is Patience. Because I knit. If one more person tells me "oh, you must have so much patience! I could never do that." I will whack them upside the head with my purse. (which is a lethal weapon, I've been told. Can I help it that I have to have a book with me - what if I'm stuck in a line? What if I'm bored out of my mind? Not to mention all the necessities that belong in a purse.) (Reading The Perfect Agreement by Michael Downing right now, who also wrote a fabulous book about Daylight Saving (one s) Time called Spring Forward.

Well, at least I managed to get back here to edit this. I had visions of one lonely post (which might still happen).

Hmm. What can I possibly post on a more or less public site? I once burned all my diaries because I caught my first husband reading one. Naturally he flipped right to my high school Perfect Guy fantasy entry. Gah.


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